Boulder, CO – Gravity Renewables is excited for today’s public announcement of the groundbreaking partnership between environmental groups and hydro operators. Gravity has long believed that power generation and environmental stewardship are not mutually exclusive.  Today’s announcement reflects how Gravity operates our 16 hydroelectric facilities and our long-standing work to encourage a new way of thinking about the industry’s role in confronting the climate emergency. We will continue to do our part as an operator and member of the National Hydropower Association to ensure that the industry remains committed to implementing policies, programs, and partnerships that embody the spirit of this collaboration with the conservation community.  We look forward to continuing to share our experience as the industry expands its definition of hydropower’s role beyond that of just a river user to one of river steward and river watcher.  

Learn more about today’s announcement:

Joint Statement of Collaboration

Environmentalists and Dam Operators, at War for Years, Start Making Peace